WHO am i?
it is april 1 2021, the day of the ‘fool’ & i choose to be that FOOL, an ARTist in all his humility & purpose if you will give me only a few gracious moments of your time & journey with me in my heARTspace & indulge me in my ART & soul, with this, the first of my monthly reflections in authenticity & affirmation of that purpose -
my name is ralph michael annunziata, ‘nunzi’ as friends call me, but that is not WHO i am - an artist on a journey_yes, but that is not who IAM -older & some say wiser but that is not WHO i am in the eyes of the greatSPIRIT - that is for HIM to say & it is in my heART that i believe,
what is on my canvas - the passion of the brush & dramatic line of the pencil channeled through me by theCreator is Indeed what was intended & if you are true to your authentic SELF & your heARTspace - you are making your art for YOU & are fully present to all GIFTed you by your Creator - that Being said, it is with great humility & profound JOY that i offer you a view of my heARTspace -
breathe peace -
my artistic disciplines are varied with most being larger scale works of simple abstractedMovements pictured here, preferred mediums are acrylicPloymer, acrylicMetallic, glossGel, glossVarnish & ebonyPencil - & many studies & finished pieces stretched & framed on raw, prepped canvas & watercolor paper with genres in abstractedPleinAire, abstracted & somewhat representational figurative & black&white ‘wetSketch’ figurative works.
my ‘porchSpring’ enlivens & a chorus of birds reJOYce once again & as i lay bare my nakedIntention - it is my time, so my intentions go out from me but do not return empty & it shall accomplish what i purpose in my expression & not come back to me void of fulfillment & succeed in that which i sent it - it falls upon this palette more quietly than the morning sun & then i know that all things, w/o HIS love are inadequate & in HIS love - nothing i can posses but ALL things & my container with nothing left - nothing to give but GIFT itself into my own heARTs awakeness - conscious & aware of presence in theMuse closer to me than my own brush - then what else is there but tranquility in solace -
my hope is you will join me each month following this for a feature of more art & reflection - INjoy!
also, keep an eye for a large format book of my artWork, titled ‘turbulentSilence’ to be hand assembled, signed, dated & numbered [quite an ambitious effort i have to say] - a very generous 12”sq @ 32 pages with several spreads opening up to 48” on beautiful heavy weight matte paper with many of my reflections & some very noble quotes from my teachers & prophets all purposed through me by theMuse to you - the pages are not bound as they’re meant to be framable as you see fit - i am currently accepting preOrders for ‘artistProof’ editions @175.00 - after which signed/dated & numbered @ $225.00 [costs my vary a bit but not by much as the prints will be of a very nice heavy weight quality]
for updates on my art, events, workshops & commissions please follow me on IG ‘@studionunzi’ or FB ‘studionunzi’ & any inquiries or questions regarding the art or comissions, please email me at rmachgo@gmail.com or call 616.250.3169