ralph 'nunzi' annunziata -
born in Erie, Pennsylvania - studied art under josephPlavcan & recieved a bachelor of fineArt degree from [CCAD] columbus college of art & design, franklinUniversity in Columbus Ohio - where i studied with colorist/dean josephCanzani, abstractExpressionist, painter, the most attentive instructor & mentor billColston & dennisDrummond, a most amazing anatomy genius & figurativeDrawing specialist -
my inspiration is ‘the Great Spirit’, the Earth Mother, nature, humanAnatomy, light & shadow & the beauty & pattern of all creation - some techniques are multiMedium lgScale abstracted acrylic paintings w/ ebonyPencil, gel & varnish - lgScale ‘wetSketch’ with gesso, pencil, gel & varnish, figurative pleinAir landscape on stretched & un-stretched canvas, bfkRives & wc paper collage & fotography
adjunct/mentor/volunteer -
currently mentoring private instructions &workshops
abstract painting - multi-medium acrylic ’wetSketch’ workshops both figurative & landscape
someHistory -
- instructor at kendall continuingEd
- nike.com as global creative director thru schawk, chicago, antwerp & amsterdam
nunzi’s contact info - - -
representation -
robertKiddGallery - birminghamMI - (248) 642-3909
twistedFishGallery - elkRapidsMI - 231.264.0123
pastexhibits -
forestHills fineArts Ctr solo / GR 2023
artPrize2023 @deVosPl / GR
sweetwaters / GR thru April 2022
forest hills fine arts center / GR 2021
artPrize2021 @ oldWorldOliveCo /GR
92nd annual MIcontemporary muskegonMuseum of art muskegonMI 2021
lansingArtGallery - november1 thru december31 2019
lansingArtGallery & educationCenter - november6 thru december22 2018
twistedFishGallery / elkRapidsMI - mid-october2018 thru mid-november2018
waterStreetGallery - 2015 to 2018 [past representation]
artPrize10 @ oldWorldOliveCo / GR - sept19-oct7 2018
forest hills fine arts center / GR june 28 thru july24 2017
artPrize8 2016 @ 5/3bank / GR
artPrize7 2015 @ deVosPlace / GR
kendall faculty exhibit 2015 @ devosPlace / GR
artPrize 2014 @ oldWorldOliveCo /GR
testimonials - thankYou everyone for such loving & kind words -
hope to see you @ one of the upcoming events
"Ralph produces colorful, diagrammatic works that feature classical, and modern poetic traditions, while maintaining an abstract charge. Ralph chooses to express his creativity by creating a visual experience that is more free and unencumbered by the weight of objects. Annunziata’s paintings give the viewer the freedom to explore the artwork and assign his own meaning to the piece. This intensely personal process enriches the viewer's experience. "
Gerard Marti, director/curator - https://robertkiddgallery.com/ralph-michael-annunziata
I had a such a great time at your workshop!
You were so welcoming, putting us all at ease right away.
Your lessons and demos were very informative and you gave everyone just the right amount of attention throughout the day. Thanks for all the help -
Now, it’s up to me to stay out of my head, remember your insights, techniques,
and lessons as I apply them to my own work.
The Twisted Fish Gallery did a nice job accommodating everyone and the
lunch was delicious. I hope you’ll do another there in the future, but not during the winter months!
PS- Thanks for yet another reason to stick to a meditation practice because it can take 10-15 years off your age!!!
you are inspiring, uplifting & talented. thank you for sharing your beauty in the world.
I needed desperately to learn to draw, perspective & values.
This class [@kendall] taught me a great deal in such a short period …
By teaching with examples & pushing me to go further, repeatedly saying ‘don’t be afraid of the darks’ I really learned …
The experience is all good.
I just wanted to pop into your day and let you know how very much I enjoyed the class on Saturday. What a wonderful and inspiring experience. Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing, with all of us, your techniques, methods and product recommendations. You've been around long enough to know that's not always the case when taking a class from another artist. Sometimes, artists can be very guarded about their process. In addition, your whole focus on the more spiritual and "heART" centered approach was very inspirational, as well. I have found myself reflecting on a number of things that I took away from the class and hope to incorporate into my practice...letting go of fear and embracing an intuitive response to my call to work being just one.
You are the embodiment of a "genius" in the corner...inspiring your students with warm encouragement...and I thank you! Please keep in touch.
ralph was a great inspiration to me.
I continue to experience a great deal of joy from the lessons shared in class.
One thing - It’s hard to explain in words but the ‘seeing what’s seeing me’ has brought much clarity.
It’s always been there & I could always feel it but now it’s so much more intentional.
I still remember the day ‘I got it’ & my awareness began to evolve.
It was such a big woooosh!