‘the lessons you are meant to learn are already withIN your BEing -
in your heART & in your work -
everything you have designed & produced -
. . . to see them, you need only to look ‘clearly’ -
w/o judgement & fear -
w/o wishes & hopes or emotional ‘heady’ expectations -
quiet yourself & be ‘present’ to your heARTspace - your ‘ground’ in theCreator
& your hand, the brush, the pencil will flow freely’*
join me in an exploration into your very own heARTspace -
’abstractedPleinAire’ @flatRiverGallery in lowell michigan
10am to 4pm
15 february 2020
219 W Main St, Lowell, MI 49331 (616) 987-6737
& also join in a fun afternoon reception for
‘chocolate&champagne’ 1-3pm saturday february8 2020