ONEing [artPrize2024 @ fountain street church downtown grandRapids MI] - 30 squares 24”each - total 136” x 164” acrylicPolymer, gloss gel & varnish with conteStick, pastel & ebonyPencil on raw cottonDuck canvas
 ‘inTrust#2’ - 65”sq acrylicPolymer/gel/varnish&pencil on rawCanvas
 ALLinALL - muskegonMuseum of art 95th annual michiganContemporary - each sq is 20” - total size 51” x 132” - acrylicPolymer, gloss gel, conteStick & ebonyPencil
 beyondALL - 46"x64"  acrylicPolymer/gel/varnish/pastel/conteStick&pencil on rawCanvas at tonicSalon grandRapids MI
 ‘myBrothersYard’#1 - 46x64 - acrylicPolymer & mixed medium on  heavyweight canvas
 ‘inTrust#1’ - 59”x65” acrylicPolymer/gel/varnish&pencil on rawCanvas
 ‘IN2now#1’ - 46”x64”  acrylicPolymer/gel/varnish/pastel/conteStick&pencil on rawCanvas
 ‘IN2now#2’ - 46”x64”  acrylicPolymer/gel/varnish/pastel/conteStick&pencil on rawCanvas
 ‘IN2now#1&#2’ - [approx 92”x64”]  acrylicPolymer/gel/varnish/pastel/conteStick&pencil on rawCanvas
 ‘withINhisYard’ - 78”x59” -acrylicPolymer/glossGel&varnish/conteStick/ebonyPencil
 ‘withINhisYard’ - 59”x78” -acrylicPolymer/glossGel&varnish/conteStick/ebonyPencil
 ‘2BEd#2’ - diptych [approx 110”x76”]   acrylicPolymer/gel/varnish/conteStick&pencil on rawCanvas
 ‘2BEd#2’ left - diptych [approx 110”x76”]   acrylicPolymer/gel/varnish/conteStick&pencil on rawCanvas
 ‘2BEd#2’ right - diptych [approx 110”x76”]   acrylicPolymer/gel/varnish/conteStick&pencil on rawCanvas
 ‘divineElegy3’ -72”x60” acrylic/pencil/gel&varnish on rawCanvas
 ‘myBrothersYard’#2 - 46x64 acrylicPolymer & mixed medium on  heavyweight canvas
 ‘deepSense’ [2cavnases] - 48”x 125” - acrylicPolymer/glossGel&varnish/conteStick/ebonyPencil
 ‘deepSense’1 - 4’x5’ - acrylicPolymer/glossGel&varnish/conteStick/ebonyPencil @ Robert Kidd Gallery - -
 ‘deepSense’2 - 4’x5’ - acrylicPolymer/glossGel&varnish/conteStick/ebonyPencil @ Robert Kidd Gallery - -
 ‘study4bigONEs’ - 10”x12” acrylic/gel/varnish&pencil on unstretched rawCanvas
 ‘porchSpring’ - 98”x64”diptych with 6” space between - each canvas is 46”x64” - acrylicPolymer/glossGel&varnish & conteStick
 ‘pairedAlone’ - 4’x3’ - acrylicPolymer/glossGel&varnish/ebonyPencil @ Robert Kidd Gallery - -
 ‘goFigureNOfigure’ - 59”.x60” - gesso/acryilcPolymer&conteStick on raw cottonDuck canvas
 ‘divineElegy10 (dieci)’ - #1 of 4 -acrylic/gel/pencil/conteStick&varnish on theLangtonsWCpaper - each is 22.5”x30”
 ‘divineElegy10 (dieci)’ - #2 of 4 - acrylic/gel/pencil/conteStick&varnish on theLangtonsWCpaper  each is 22.5”x30”
 ‘divineElegy10 (dieci)’ - #3 of 4 acrylic/gel/pencil/conteStick&varnish on theLangtonsWCpaper  each is 22.5”x30” @ Robert Kidd Gallery - -
 ‘divineElegy10 (dieci)’ - #4 of 4 -acrylic/gel/pencil/conteStick&varnish on theLangtonsWCpaper  each is 22.5”x30” @ Robert Kidd Gallery - -
 'i4anEYE' - 12'x5' acrylic/pencil/gel&varnish on rawCanvas @ Robert Kidd Gallery - -
 ‘divineElegy5’ - 58.5”x76.5” - 3 canvas panels 174” total width- acrylic/pencil/gel&varnish on rawCanvas
 ‘divineElegy12.BEingHeld’ - 60”x68” acrylic/pencil/gel&varnish on raw stretched canvas
 ‘divineElegy11@river’sEdge’ - 36”x52” - acrylic&charcoal on brown craftPaper
 ‘divineElegy1’ - 4’x6’ acrylic/pencil/gel&varnish on rawCanvas
 ‘eyes2SEE’ - 8.5’x5’ acrylic/gel/varnish&pencil on stretched rawBelgianLinen
 ‘eyes2SEE’ - 8.5’x5’ acrylic/gel/varnish&pencil on unstretched rawBelgianLinen
 ‘divineElegy6’ -76.5”x93” acrylic/pencil/gel&varnish on raw stretchedCanvas
 atLast - 3 canvases each 20”sq - total size 20” x 66” - acrylicPolymer, gloss gel & ebonyPencil on heavyWt cottonDock canvas at ski's sub shop downtown grandRapids MI
 ‘divineElegy7’ -129”x76.5” acrylic/pencil/gel&varnish on raw unstretchedCanvas
 ‘withIN&withOUT’ - 9’x5’ [3canvases ea @3’x5’] metallic/acrylic/pencil/gel&varnish on stretchedCanvas
 ‘withIN&withOUT’ viewed from the right
 ‘openConscious’ - 8.5’x5’ acrylic/pencil/gel&varnish on rawCanvas
 ‘escapeMobility’ - 32”x48” acrylic/gel/varnish/pencil&charcoal on bfkRives paper
 mixSense#1 - 18.5"x31.5" acrylic/gel/pencil archesWCpaperCollage
 mixSense#2 - 45"x50.5" acrylic/gel/pencil collage - framed in acrylic&compositeBoard
 ‘mertonVille #1’ [1 of 6] - 24”x18” acrylic/gel&pencil on cansonWCpaper
 ‘mertonVille #2’ [1 of 6] - 24”x18” acrylic/gel&pencil on cansonWCpaper
 ‘mertonVille #3’ [1 of 6] - 24”x18” acrylic/gel&pencil on cansonWCpaper
 ‘mertonVille #4’ [1 of 6] - 24”x18” acrylic/gel&pencil on cansonWCpaper
 ‘mertonVille #5’ [1 of 6] - 24”x18” acrylic/gel&pencil on cansonWCpaper
 ‘mertonVille #6’ [1 of 6] - 24”x18” acrylic/gel&pencil on cansonWCpaper
 ‘stepsAway’ acrylic/gel/varnish&pencil on 5’x3’ stretchedCanvas at tonicSalon grandRapids MI
 ‘fullMeaning’ - pencil/acrylic/gelCollage on unstretched rawCanvas 54”x33”
 ‘fulfillment’ - 20”x40” acrylic/pencil/gel on 2 stretchedCanvases
 ‘turbulentSilence’ - 3’x5’ acrylic/gel/varnis&pencil on stretchedCanvas
 ‘wtf - wakeUP’- acrylic/gel/varnish&pencil on rawLaunderedCanvas sheet mounted & framed-  44”x72”
 ‘trappistWoods - 46"x33.5'’ w/ frame - acrylic/gel/pencil&varnish on bfkRives paper - framed in acrylic&compositeBoard
 ‘tempest@littleSable’ - 3’x4’x4” acrylic/gel&pencil on stretchedCanvas @ Robert Kidd Gallery - -
 ‘stJoe’sField’ - 26.5”x47” acrylic/gel/varnish&pencil on sheetCanvas
 ‘soCalmOceana’ - 3’x4’x4” acrylic/gel&pencil on stretchedCanvas @ Robert Kidd Gallery -
 ‘thatTree’ - 33”x47” acrylic/gel/pencil&varnish on bfkRives paper - framed in acrylic&compositeBoard
 bluCloud - 40"x20" [2pieces] - acrylic/gel/varnish&pencil on stretchedCanvas
 stJoe’s3 - 30”x25” framed pencil/acrylic/gel&varnish on archesWCpaper
 stJoe’sKnob3’ - 30”x25” framed pencil/acrylic/gel&varnish on archesWCpaper
 #5 of ‘10itIS’ - 12”x12” canson waterColor paper
 #6 of ‘10itIS’ - 12”x12” canson waterColor paper
 #9 of ‘10itIS’ - 12”x12” canson waterColor paper
 #2 of ‘10itIS’ - 12”x12” canson waterColor paper
 #4 of ‘10itIS’ - 12”x12” canson waterColor paper
 ‘jimmy’sLake’’ - 24”x18” acrylic/pencil/gel&varnish on arches wcPaper unframed
 theWayIN - pencil/acrylic&gel on bfkRives paper - unframed 32"x48"
 ‘barb’sPlace’ - 16”x20”framed acrylic/gel&pencil on sheetCanvas
 ‘dawn’ one of 2 [dawn&dusk’] - 16”x20”” alkydOil&pencil on sheetCanvas - framed in acrylic on compositeBoard w/stainlessGrommets
 ‘dusk’ two of 2 [‘dawn&dusk’] - 16”x20”” alkydOil&pencil on sheetCanvas - framed in acrylic on compositeBoard w/stainlessGrommets
 ‘calvaryKnob1’ - 30”x25” framed pencil/acrylic/gel&varnish on archesWCpaper  @ Twisted FishGallery elkRapids MI -
 calvaryKnob3’ - 30”x25” framed pencil/acrylic/gel&varnish on archesWCpaper
 'myShadow' - 45”x31” acrylic/gel&pencil bfkRives paper
 trappist4’ - 25.5”x19.5”framed acrylic/pencil&gel on wcPaper framed
 trappistPine - 18”x24” - oilCrayon/gel&pencil archesWC paper
 'withINcalm'_60x42.5” - rawCanvas sheet
'monksField' 30x24" - bfkRives paper
'knobView' 30x24" - bfkRives paper
 'christiansBluff' 18x24" - bfkRives paper
'benonaQuiet' 18x24" - bfkRives paper
 'nunziColorWheel' 27x60” canvasSheet
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